I am not an expert, but at least in the case of Canada, there are multiple votes that have to take place to amend the constitutions, including two houses of parliment and 2/3 of the provincial legislatures, much like the United State. The problem with what is likely to emerge from the new Israeli government is that it will set a voting threshold that not coincidentally allows the current coalition to overcome (i.e.< 65 out of 120). That is the definition of tyranny of the majority, where the majority is the ruling government which has empowered itself to change the rules with a simple vote.
Disapproving of those who support the government, it is not the same as disapproving of those who voted for a party in the current government. The difference is that not everyone in the latter group will support the government now that they see what the Likud has has agreed to in it's coalition agreements (i.e. the discrimination clause) . So, if this means I am intolerant of people who tolerant of others who are intolerant, then so be it. I still won't take their rights away and would oppose it coming from left wing parties as well.